Like many who have been using X10 since the mid 80’s, we have encountered our share of problems. In addition to lighting, we use X10 to control the irrigation system, and also for supplemental control of our HVAC system. We have experienced virtually 100% reliability with our X10 automation system since moving into our present home. I have written a number of troubleshooting tutorials to address various issues to help others achieve the same level of reliability. Below is a list of the tutorials currently available. Feedback and questions are appreciated.
X10 Automation Reliability
X10 Passive Couplers & Repeaters
X10, Noise Generators, Signal Suckers, and Filters
X10 & Compact Fluorescent or LED Light Bulbs
X10 Noise from a Cellet Cellphone Charger
X10 Powerline Collisions
The XTB – An Alternative Approach for X10 Reliability