The Light Strip Voltage Regulator will maintain constant brightness of a 5V LED light strip installed in a model railroad passenger car. It uses a super capacitor to provide up to 10 seconds of constant power even if track voltage is interrupted for block control. It eliminates any blinking as cars traverse switches or have intermittent pick-up contact.
A switching pre-regulator minimizes dissipation as track voltage varies. Once the super capacitor is charged, the LED Regulator consumes less than 1/4 watt itself. Total consumption including the LED light strip is essentially constant over the full range of track voltage.
Because a LED light strip is excessively bright for illuminating the interior of a model railroad passenger car at 5V, The Regulator output is adjustable over the 3V to 4V range. 3.2V to 3.4V works best with the warm white LED strips installed in my own O Gauge passenger cars. Track voltage range from 6V to 20V maximum. LED load 100mA maximum.
Dimensions: 2 3/4″ x 3/4″ x 1/2″ high. Weight: <0.5 ounce